Jelly Cake & Moist Choc from Secret Recipe
Amber Aleesa Danny & Ariel Daniella Danny
Little Mermaid ~ Princess Ariel |
My lovely Princess Amber
hello all, salam sume, lamenye mommy x update blog ni...malas pun ade, but rather busy lately actually, hmm...with the office works, house chores, sending and fetching kakak to and fro tuition + teakwondo + wedding during weekends....even fb pun lame dah x letak gambar huhu...
Ni belated birthday both Amber and Ariel, sepatutnye nak buat asing2 but due to tight budget & timing exp kene check my Chef punye timing (no clash wt assignment, practical and exam), lastly decided buat on 8th April...huhu, memang belated habis ah kiranye....but nevermind, at least mommy x dgr lagi rintihan dia org tu... all in all, ok, this time Chef Irfan buat Mee Hoon soup + nasi impit + pegedil..wt ibu Lia punye all time favourite sago gula melaka & my puding gula hangus (special thx to Chef Irfan bg tunjuk ajar b4) hehe...mama Gee, ape lagi tukang goreng2 hot dog, balls and nuggets ah...& DD concure drinks...not forgotten, assistant chef buat potong2 & gentel2, Faiz and Jacq, my deco ~ mr Mustaqim (terpilih coz dia ni tinggi lampai so senang la gantung2 belon) the games master ~ bro Omar, Eee @ Lieutenant Ikhwan, Amir aka MC x jadi ni(...cian dia, ade extra kelas b4 the event, he's actually tired but thx for coming dear bro..), the great 3.9 classmates ~ Anis aka camerawomen, Fika and Dayah for handling the crowd so well... millions thanks to all/// muahhhhh...... |
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