
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Glorious food....bile ade yg sudi memasak..

Nasi ape ek???

Green Apple for sour plum & apple juice ---sedap!! nasi hujan panas, permintaan dah lama dah but baru haritu dpt...nyum2x

Daging Kicap ke?...huhu x tau nama, chef i yg masak, i mkn jer...

Blend and mix

Hi sume, aktiviti my brothers kalau dia org x busy, dtg masak...suka sgt coz dia org ni memang teror la masak, akak dia sorang ni cakap je ape nak makan, nasi hujan panas, ribut taufan ke puting beliung ke sume dapat la...haha, pastu teringat pula epal asam boi kat pecel lele kat Ampang tu, ape lagi...depa buat la jus epal tu...huhu...best2..

special thanks to Muhd Irfan and Left. Muda Ikhwan for the awesome dishes..

luv & kisses, mommy

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Hidden Talent

My lil Ariel - she loves to performed

Performance during Kindergarten final yr concert

1st photoshoot for magazine
My lil Amber - she always in style
My little Angel - my genius
2011 SIR competition - 4th place